[2/3/2022]  Attention School Districts :
The Auditor File Exchange application is not working properly.  We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience as we work toward a solution.  We expect to have the solution in place by this week: 1/31 – 2/4/2022.
Meanwhile, if you need to provide documents to your KSDE auditor over the next few days and that documentation includes personal identifiable information (PII), we ask that you either wait until next week (when the Auditor File Exchange is working properly) or if it cannot wait, please contact your KSDE auditor directly and he/she will help coordinate using an encrypted email to send or receive the information.  You are also welcome to call the KSDE Fiscal Auditing team at (785) 296-4976 to help coordinate an encrypted email.
Common Authentication Login
User Name:


Need Assistance?
General Help

(785) 296-7935

KN-CLAIM Support

(785) 296-2276

KCCMS or Pathways Support

(785) 296-4908

KESA Support
(785) 296-8110 - Myron Melton
KEEP Support
(785) 296-5140 - Ann Yates

New User Registration
If you have not yet registered to have an individual Username and Password for accessing KSDE web applications, click here to register.

If you need assistance in registering for a new account please visit this link. New User Registration Help

Supported Web Browsers
KSDE currently supports the following web browsers for use with its web applications: Microsoft Edgeversion 18 or newer
Apple Safariversion 12.1 or newer
Google Chromeversion 76 or newer
Mozilla Firefoxversion 68 or newer
NOTE: •  Please ensure you are using one of these browsers before contacting technical support. •  Most modern web browsers are updated to the latest version automatically. Microsoft Internet Explorer Users •  Microsoft has ended support for IE, and is encouraging users to discontinue its use. •  While Internet Explorer may work with KSDE web applications, it should not be used.
System Maintenance Notices

© 2025 Kansas State Department of Education, All Rights Reserved.
IT Help Desk: (785) 296-7935
900 SW Jackson, Suite 106
Topeka, KS 66612

All sessions with this server are subject to the KSDE Use Policy and will be monitored and logged. Disconnect now if you do not consent to having your actions monitored and logged, or if you do not agree to comply with the KSDE Use Policy.

The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
KSDE General Counsel
900 SW Jackson
Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-3201